; Note: Save with encoding UTF-8 with BOM if possible. ; I had issues with special characters like in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that wouldn't work otherwise. ; Notepad will save UTF-8 files with BOM automatically (even though it does not say so). ; Some editors however save without BOM, and then special characters look messed up in the AHK GUI. ; Write your own AHK commands in this file to be recognized by the GUI. Take inspiration from the samples provided here. ; A note on how this works: ; The function name GuiSearch()" is poorly chosen. ; What you actually specify as the parameter value is a command to run. It does not have to be a URL. ; Before the command is run, the word REPLACEME is replaced by your input. ; It does not have to be a search url, that was just the application I had in mind when I originally wrote it. ; So what this does is that it runs chrome with the arguments "-incognito" and the google search URL where REPLACEME in the URL has been replaced by your input. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Search Engines ;;; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;REPLACEME ;https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=site%3Awww.reddit.com+EXCELCOM&cat=web&pl=opensearch&language=english ; Search Engines ;----------------------------------------------- ; global cYellow ; global ; Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% +Center, %gui_search_title% ; Gui, Add, Picture, x2 h45 w45, %gui_search_icon% ; Gui, Add, Edit, x+1 %gui_control_options% %cYellow% ;---AHK Scripts--- ;------------------------------------------------ else if RMSearchTerm = bt%A_Space% ; Toggle Bluetooth { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Tools\Windows10\Bluetooth\ToggleBluetooth.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = cico%A_Space% ; Open Icons Folder { gui_destroy() run, C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\CreateICOIconUsingImageMagick.ahk } else if RMSearchTerm = rla%A_Space% ; Reload ALL scripts { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\RMScriptManager.ahk" "ReloadAll" } else if RMSearchTerm = kill%A_Space% ; Kill all ahk scripts { gui_destroy() run, C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Tools\Kill & Close all running AHK scripts.ahk } else if RMSearchTerm = running%A_Space% ; Kill all ahk scripts { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\Running Script Manager.exe" } else if RMSearchTerm = tel%A_Space% ; run voidtools and search for executables { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\SendTelegramMessageToCheckNowChannel.ahk" } ;---/AHK Scripts--- ;------------------------------------------------ ;---Other Tools--- ;------------------------------------------------ else if RMSearchTerm = uk%A_Space% ; uptime Kuma { gui_destroy() run, } else if RMSearchTerm = pf%A_Space% ; uptime Kuma { gui_destroy() run, } else if RMSearchTerm = sst%A_Space% ; IT Toolbox { gui_destroy() run, \\smb\Toolbox } else if RMSearchTerm = smb%A_Space% ; IT Toolbox { gui_destroy() run, \\smb\General\ } else if RMSearchTerm = ww%A_Space% ; { gui_destroy() run, W:\ } else if RMSearchTerm = ssg%A_Space% ; { gui_destroy() run, \\smb\general } else if RMSearchTerm = nm%A_Space% ; nomachine { CustomTool = NoMachine gui_search_title = NoMachine gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\NoMachine-icon.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input } else if RMSearchTerm = nmt%A_Space% ; nomachine { CustomTool = NoMachine-Terminal gui_search_title = NoMachine (Terminal) gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\NoMachine-icon.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input } else if RMSearchTerm = p%A_Space% ; Ping in CMD and keep open { CustomTool = CMD_KeepOpen gui_search_title = Ping gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Terminal.png GuiSearch("ping -n 9999 REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input ; GuiSearch("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if RMSearchTerm = pg%A_Space% ; Ping in CMD and keep open { ; CustomTool = CMD_KeepOpen gui_destroy() run, %comspec% /k ping -n 9999 ; gui_search_title = Ping ; gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Terminal.png ; GuiSearch("ping -n 10") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input ; GuiSearch("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if RMSearchTerm = u%A_Space% { CustomTool = "C:\Program Files\LibreWolf\librewolf.exe" gui_search_title = Open URL in Librewolf gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Librewolf.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if RMSearchTerm = O%A_Space% { CustomTool = OpenFile gui_search_title = Open File gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Files1.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) return } else if RMSearchTerm = dn%A_Space% { gui_destroy() run, joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=b0b578945bab49e4a118a5f2f8ff16db } else if RMSearchTerm = dt%A_Space% { gui_destroy() run, joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=89c905d6075c43a3a36c154d5b046d4e } else if RMSearchTerm = vlan%A_Space% { gui_destroy() run, joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=0600aae9fa0e4dab936c9f125697cfbe } else if RMSearchTerm = octet%A_Space% { gui_destroy() run, joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=f6429017ed194495a060930616a159edN } else if RMSearchTerm = j%A_Space% { CustomTool = Joplin gui_search_title = Joplin gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Files1.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) return } else if RMSearchTerm = S%A_Space% { CustomTool = Sublime gui_search_title = Sublime gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Sublime.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) return } else if RMSearchTerm = gimp%A_Space% { CustomTool = GIMP gui_search_title = Gimp gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\gimp.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) return } ; Interact with this AHK Script ;------------------------------------------------ else if RMSearchTerm = rl%A_Space% ; Reload This script { gui_destroy() Reload } else if RMSearchTerm = dir%A_Space% ; Open the directory for this script { gui_destroy() Run, %A_ScriptDir% } else if RMSearchTerm = host%A_Space% ; Edit host script { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text\sublime_text.exe" "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } else if RMSearchTerm = edit%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() ; run, "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text\sublime_text.exe" "%A_ScriptName%" run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\AtomSearch\AtomUserCommands.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = hotstrings%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\RadialMenu\My codes\My hotstrings.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = hotkeys%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\RadialMenu\My codes\My hotkeys.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = functions%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\RadialMenu\My codes\My functions.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = rufay%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\Rufaydium_Scripts\Fun_Rufaydium_LoginWebsites.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = browser%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\open-browser-tab-with\Open Browser Tab WITH.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = global%A_Space% ; Edit GUI user commands { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\RadialMenu\My codes\My Global Variables.ahk" } ; Type Raw Text ;------------------------------------------------ else if RMSearchTerm = clip%A_Space% ; Paste clipboard content without formatting { gui_destroy() SendRaw, %ClipBoard% } ; Launch Software/Programs ;------------------------------------------------ else if RMSearchTerm = t%A_Space% ; ; SimpleTask append { CustomTool = ToDoTxt gui_search_title = ToDo.txt Append gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\ToDoTXT.png GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) return } else if RMSearchTerm = fn%A_Space% ; ; SimpleTask append { gui_search_title = Append Fast Notepad gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\ Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% +Center, %gui_search_title% Gui, Add, Picture, x2 h45 w45, %gui_search_icon% Gui, Add, Edit, x+1 %gui_control_options% %cYellow% +Center vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default gAppendtoFastNotepad ; hidden button GuiControl, Disable, RMSearchTerm Gui, Show, AutoSize return AppendtoFastNotepad: Gui, Submit gui_state = closed SaveLocation = C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Joplin\Resources\Text_Files\fastnote if(!FileExist(SaveLocation)){ MsgBox, Folder not found:`n %SaveLocation% return } FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss filename = %SaveLocation%\%TodayDate%_QuickNotepad.txt FileAppend,%gui_SearchEdit%, %filename% return } else if RMSearchTerm = cmd%A_Space% ; Run CMD { gui_destroy() ;run, %comspec% /k "C:\Users\me\Downloads\_Old Files" run, cmd.exe ;, C:\Users\me\Downloads\_Old Files } else if RMSearchTerm = clean%A_Space% ; Clean downloads folder { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Tools\FolderCleaner.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = write%A_Space% ; Libreoffice Writer { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\swriter.exe" } else if RMSearchTerm = writel%A_Space% ; Libreoffice Writer { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\me\Documents\LibreOffice\BlankLandscape.odt" } else if RMSearchTerm = update%A_Space% ; Upgrade Chocolatey packages { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Tools\Chocolatey\ChocoUpgradeAll.ahk" } else if RMSearchTerm = xlsb%A_Space% ; Open Personal XLSB { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\Personal.XLSB" } else if RMSearchTerm = req%A_Space% ; Requests { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\WhiteMountain\Requisitions\IT Requisitions wHistory.xlsm" } else if RMSearchTerm = new%A_Space% ; Requests { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Users\ity\Syncthing\WhiteMountain\General\New Employee New User Printout Template.xlsm" } else if RMSearchTerm = ram%A_Space% ; RAM Calculator { CustomTool = RamMultiplier gui_search_title = How many GB? > clipboard gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Ram_Metro.ico GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if RMSearchTerm = quad%A_Space% ; Requests { gui_destroy() clipboard := "" ; run, "C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\WhiteMountain\Requisitions\IT Requisitions wHistory.xlsm" } else if RMSearchTerm = time%A_Space% ; Requests { CustomTool = AHKTimeMultiplier gui_search_title = How much time? #M or #H > clipboard ; gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Ram_Metro.ico GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if RMSearchTerm = ramc%A_Space% ; Requests { gui_destroy() FileRead, RamChart, C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\AtomSearch\Lib\RAMChart.txt msgbox % RamChart ; run, "C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\WhiteMountain\General\MbMegabyteToGBGigabyteConversionChart Ram Sizes.xlsx" } else if RMSearchTerm = ada%A_Space% ; Adapters { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Windows\System32\ncpa.cpl" ; Network Adapters } else if RMSearchTerm = disk%A_Space% ; Disk Management { gui_destroy() run, "diskmgmt.msc" ; Windows Disk management } else if RMSearchTerm = psdhcp%A_Space% ; Powershell - DHCP string Script { gui_destroy() run, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Syncthing\Scripts\AutoHotKey\Utilities\DHCP_PS_StringGenerator.ahk } else if RMSearchTerm = ps%A_Space% ; OR RMSearchTerm = psprofile%A_Space% ; Powershell - DHCP string Script { gui_destroy() run, "%A_sublimeFilepath%" "C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Configurations\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" } /*else if RMSearchTerm = power ; Power down the pc { gui_destroy() Shutdown, 8 ; power off command } */ else if RMSearchTerm = ping ; Ping Google { gui_destroy() Run, cmd /K "ping www.google.com" Run, cmd /K "ping" } else if RMSearchTerm = hosts ; Open hosts file in Notepad { gui_destroy() Run notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts } else if RMSearchTerm = date ; What is the date? { gui_destroy() FormatTime, date,, LongDate MsgBox %date% date = } else if RMSearchTerm = week ; Which week is it? { gui_destroy() FormatTime, weeknumber,, YWeek StringTrimLeft, weeknumbertrimmed, weeknumber, 4 if (weeknumbertrimmed = 53) weeknumbertrimmed := 1 MsgBox It is currently week %weeknumbertrimmed% weeknumber = weeknumbertrimmed = } else if RMSearchTerm = ?%A_Space% ; Tooltip with list of commands { GuiControl,, RMSearchTerm, ; Clear the input box gui_destroy() Gosub, gui_commandlibrary } else if RMSearchTerm = a?%A_Space% ; Tooltip with list of commands { GuiControl,, RMSearchTerm, ; Clear the input box gui_destroy() Gosub, gui_commandlibrary } return