; A note on how this works: ; The function name GuiSearch()" is poorly chosen. ; What you actually specify as the parameter value is a command to run. It does not have to be a URL. ; Before the command is run, the word REPLACEME is replaced by your input. ; It does not have to be a search url, that was just the application I had in mind when I originally wrote it. ; So what this does is that it runs chrome with the arguments "-incognito" and the google search URL where REPLACEME in the URL has been replaced by your input. ; Search Engines ;------------------------------------------------ if AtomSearchTerm = az%A_Space% ; Search Amazon { gui_search_title = Amazon gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Amazon.png GuiSearch("https://www.amazon.com/s?k=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = ahk%A_Space% ; Search autohotkey Userboards { gui_search_title = AutoHotKey Userboards gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\AutoHotKey7.png GuiSearch("https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/search.php?keywords=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = dic%A_Space% ; Search Dictionary { gui_search_title = Dictionary.com gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Dictionary.png GuiSearch("https://www.dictionary.com/browse/REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = d%A_Space% ; Search Brave { gui_search_title = Brave gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Jono_Brave.png GuiSearch("https://search.brave.com/search?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input ; GuiSearch("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = b%A_Space% ; Search Duckduckgo { gui_search_title = DuckDuckGo gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\duckduckgo_bg_1.png GuiSearch("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = gp%A_Space% ; Google Play { gui_search_title = Google Play Store gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\PlayStore.png ; GuiSearch("https://play.google.com/store/search?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input GuiSearch("https://play.google.com/store/search?q=REPLACEME&c=apps") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = gm%A_Space% ; Google Maps { gui_search_title = Google Maps gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\GoogleMaps.png GuiSearch("https://www.google.com/maps/search/REPLACEME/") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = r%A_Space% ; Search reddit { gui_search_title = reddit gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\reddit.png GuiSearch("https://old.reddit.com/search?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = sa%A_Space% ; Search reddit SysAdmin { gui_search_title = /r/sysAdmin gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Reddit_Boost.png GuiSearch("https://old.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/search?q=REPLACEME&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = w%A_Space% ; Search Wikipedia { gui_search_title = White Mountain Paper Wiki ; gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\wikipedia.png GuiSearch("http://wiki.wmpco.biz/search?term=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = imdb%A_Space% ; Search IDMB { gui_search_title = IMDB gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\imdb.png GuiSearch("https://www.imdb.com/find?q=REPLACEME&s=all") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = ff%A_Space% ; Search Firefox Addons { gui_search_title = Firefox Addons gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\firefox9.png GuiSearch("https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = cc%A_Space% ; Search Chrome Addons { gui_search_title = Chrome Addons gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\ GuiSearch("https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = z%A_Space% ; Search Zoogle { gui_search_title = Zoogle gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Zoogle.png GuiSearch("https://zooqle.com/search?=&q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = td%A_Space% ; Search TasteDive { gui_search_title = TasteDive gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\TasteDive.png GuiSearch("https://tastedive.com/movies/like/REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = ia%A_Space% ; Search IconArchive { gui_search_title = IconArchive gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Jono_IconArchive.png GuiSearch("https://iconarchive.com/search?q=REPLACEME&items=max") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = ii%A_Space% ; Icon-Icons { gui_search_title = icon-icons.com gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\iconicon.png GuiSearch("https://icon-icons.com/search/icons/?filtro=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = e%A_Space% ; Search Ebay { gui_search_title = Ebay gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\apps_ebay.pngea GuiSearch("https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?&_nkw=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = choco%A_Space% ; Search Chocolatey { gui_search_title = Chocolatey gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\chocolatey.png GuiSearch("https://chocolatey.org/packages?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = pip%A_Space% ; Search pypi { gui_search_title = pypi gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\ GuiSearch("https://pypi.org/search/?q=REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = sp%A_Space% ; Startpage { gui_search_title = Startpage gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\startpage.png GuiSearch("https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=REPLACEME&cat=web&pl=opensearch&language=english") StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = g%A_Space% ; Google { gui_search_title = Google gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Google.png GuiSearch("https://www.google.com/search?q=REPLACEME") StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = gi%A_Space% ; Google Images { gui_search_title = Google Images gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\GoogleImages.png GuiSearch("https://www.google.com/images?q=REPLACEME") StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = di%A_Space% ; Search DuckDuckGo Images { gui_search_title = DuckDuckGo Images gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\DuckDuckGo.png GuiSearch("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=REPLACEME&t=h_&ia=images&iax=images") StatExport(gui_search_title) } if AtomSearchTerm = a%A_Space% ; Search Google for AutoHotkey related results { gui_search_title = Autohotkey Google Search gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\imageeeewithpng GuiSearch("https://www.google.com/search?num=50&safe=off&site=&source=hp&q=autohotkey%20REPLACEME&btnG=Search&oq=&gs_l=") StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = gl%A_Space% ; Search Google with ImFeelingLucky { gui_search_title = I'm Feeling Lucky gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\imageeeewithpng GuiSearch("http://www.google.com/search?q=REPLACEME&btnI=Im+Feeling+Lucky") StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = multi%A_Space% ; Open more than one search { gui_search_title = Google/Bing/DDG/Startpage GuiSearch("https://www.google.com/search?&q=REPLACEME") GuiSearch("https://www.bing.com/search?q=REPLACEME") GuiSearch("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=REPLACEME") GuiSearch("https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=REPLACEME&cat=web&pl=opensearch&language=english") StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = ci%A_Space% ; Search Google as Incognito { gui_search_title = Google - Chrome Incognito gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Incognito.png GuiSearch("chrome.exe -incognito https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&q=REPLACEME") StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = y%A_Space% ; Search Youtube { gui_search_title = Youtube gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Youtube_Jono.png GuiSearch("https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=REPLACEME") StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = gt%A_Space% ; Google Translate English to Russian { gui_search_title = Google Translate gui_search_icon = ; GuiSearch("https://translate.google.com/#en/RU/REPLACEME") ; GuiSearch("https://translate.google.com/#en/ES/REPLACEME") GuiSearch("https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=es&text=REPLACEME") StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = / ; Go to subreddit { gui_search_title := "/r/" gui_search_icon = GuiSearch("https://www.reddit.com/r/REPLACEME") } else if AtomSearchTerm = red ; reddit.com { gui_destroy() run www.reddit.com }