;---ENVIRONMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. ;DetectHiddenWindows, On #SingleInstance, Force SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; #NoTrayIcon Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_scriptDir%\Graphics\Atom.ico AtomIconFP = %A_scriptDir%/Graphics/Atom.png ;---Notes/Extra Info/#Includes------------------------------------------------------ ; Original Script: https://github.com/plul/Public-AutoHotKey-Scripts ;---VARIABLES----------------------------------------------------------------------- Script_Name = Atom Launcher ; Read User Settings from .ini file ; IniRead, SaveUsageStats, %A_scriptdir%\Lib\Settings.ini, AtomSearch, SaveUsageStats SaveUsageStats=1 ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth ScreenDPI := A_ScreenDPI GUIWidth := Round(ScreenWidth/3) ; GUI COLORS cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21" cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e" cSelection := "c" . "373b41" cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6" cComment := "c" . "969896" cRed := "c" . "cc6666" cOrange := "c" . "de935f" cYellow := "c" . "f0c674" cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68" cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7" cBlue := "c" . "81a2be" cPurple := "c" . "b294bb" MarginSpace := 15 ; Margin size to be used in the gui ; Set Global Variables for ease of use and accessibility global SaveUsageStats ; usage stats setting global search_url global gui_state global gui_search_title global ExpandedMenu ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls ; gui_control_options := "x57" . "xm" . GUIWidth . cForeground . " -E0x200" Guiwidth = 550 Icon_Size = 125 ; Icon_XPosition := Guiwidth / 2 - (Icon_Size / 2) + 10 Icon_XPosition := 10 gui_control_options := "x+10 y55 w" . Guiwidth . cForeground . " -E0x200" ; gui_control_options = x+%MarginSpace% xm w%guiwidth% %cForeground% -E0x200 ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI gui_state = closed ;---MAIN SCRIPT--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---LAUNCH GUI---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; !Space:: ; Alt + Space ^E:: ; CapsLockeE ; ^Q:: gui_spawn: if gui_state != closed { ; If the GUI is already open, close it. gui_destroy() return } ; Otherwise create the menu gui_state = main Gui, Add, Picture, vIcon x%Icon_XPosition% w%Icon_Size% h%Icon_Size% +Center ,%AtomIconFP% Gui, Margin, 10, 10 ;Default was: 16, 16 Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e ; Background and edit box color Gui, Font, cWhite ; Color of typed in letters Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border Gui, Font, s30, Segoe UI Gui, Add, Text,center x145 y10 vgui_main_title w%Guiwidth% vGUITitle +Center, %Script_Name% ; Uncomment if you want a GUI title ; Gui, Add, Text,center x80 y80 vgui_main_title, Atom ; Uncomment if you want a GUI title ; Gui, Add, Text,center x300 y100 vgui_main_title2, Search ; Uncomment if you want a GUI title Gui, Font, s20, Segoe UI ;gui, Add, Text,Center x250,Atom Search Gui, Add, Edit, x145 y80 w%Guiwidth% %cForeground% -E0x200 +Center vRMSearchTerm gFindus ;Gui, Add, Picture, x+1 w45 h45,RMSearch_R.ico Gui, Show,y25, %Script_Name% if(A_ThisHotkey = "^q"){ ControlSend, Edit1, t, %Script_Name% ControlSend, Edit1, {Space}, %Script_Name% } return ; GUI FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES ;------------------------------------------------ ; Automatically triggered on Escape key: GuiEscape: RMSearchTerm := CustomTool := gui_destroy() return ; The callback function when the text changes in the input field. Findus: Gui, Submit, NoHide ; Msgbox % "RMSearchTerm: " RMSearchTerm ; msgbox, herere if RMSearchTerm = nothinghere%A_Space% ; Search Amazon { ; do nothing for this one so the #includes can be organized in whichever order the user wants } #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Atom-Programs.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Atom-Folders.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Atom-Web-Searches.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Atom-Misc-Commands.ahk return ; ; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use. ; Skips the gentle method of activating a window and goes straight to the forceful method. #WinActivateForce gui_destroy() { gui_state = closed ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it ; in case the next search does not set its own: gui_search_title = ; Clear the tooltip ToolTip ; Hide GUI Gui, Destroy ; Bring focus back to whatever window was active before Atom got activated WinActivate } gui_change_title(message,color = "") { ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error ; message, and given the color red. If color = { global cRed color := cRed } GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message% Gui, Font, s11 %color% GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SEARCH ENGINES ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Expands the GUI search display to show whatever specific search tool the user is going to search with gui_search_add_elements: GuiControl,, Icon, %gui_search_icon% GuiControl, Text, GUITitle, %gui_search_title% Gui, Add, Edit, x145 y80 w%Guiwidth% -E0x200 %cYellow% +Center vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default gSearchEnter ; hidden button gets activated when user hits [Enter] ; GuiControl,, RMSearchTerm, GuiControl, Disable, RMSearchTerm ; Gui, Show, AutoSize ; msgbox return GuiSearch(url) { search_url := url gui_state := "search" Gosub, gui_search_add_elements ; Add elements for search field } SearchEnter: Gui, Submit gui_destroy() ; destroy the gui and release all variables for next run ; encode and replace characters to browser format QuerySafeText := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit) ; convert typed string into search engine URL using the usercommands.ahk commands FinalURl := StrReplace(search_url, "REPLACEME", QuerySafeText) ; Msgbox % "CustomTool: " CustomTool ; execute the file with whatever the default program for the extension is if(CustomTool = ""){ run, %FinalURl% } ; otherwise use custom tool else if(CustomTool != "") { ; Msgbox % "CustomTool: " CustomTool ; Open Command Prompt if(CustomTool = "CMD_KeepOpen"){ ; msgbox % FinalURl Run, %ComSpec% /k %FinalURl% } ; OTHERWISE IFs ; Otherwise run using custom tool as a filepath else if(CustomTool = "OpenFile"){ run, "%gui_SearchEdit%" } else if(CustomTool = "JoplinNote"){ run, "%gui_SearchEdit%" } else if(CustomTool = "Sublime"){ run, "%A_sublimefilepath%" "%gui_SearchEdit%" } else if(CustomTool = "GIMP"){ run, "%A_gimpfilepath% " "%gui_SearchEdit%" } else if(CustomTool = "RamMultiplier"){ RAM := 1024 * GUI_SearchEdit Clipboard := RAM } else if(CustomTool = "AHKTimeMultiplier"){ if(InStr(gui_SearchEdit, "H")){ gui_SearchEdit := StrReplace(gui_SearchEdit, "H", "") MSTime := gui_SearchEdit*3600000 MSTime := MSTime . " `; " . gui_SearchEdit . " Hours" Clipboard := MSTime } if(InStr(gui_SearchEdit, "M")){ gui_SearchEdit := StrReplace(gui_SearchEdit, "M", "") MSTime := gui_SearchEdit*60000 MSTime := MSTime . " `; " . gui_SearchEdit . " Minutes" Clipboard := MSTime } } else, { ; msgbox here ; Msgbox % "customtool: " customtool . "FinalURl" . FinalURl ; Clipboard := customtool . " " . FinalURl run, %CustomTool% %FinalURl% } } ; Msgbox % "CustomTool: " CustomTool ; Msgbox % CustomTool = "CMD_KeepOpen" ; reset custom tool if one was used CustomTool = return ; ; ; Parse out User Commands and display them in sublime gui_commandlibrary: CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic tooltiptext = maxpadding = 0 StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/AtomUserCommands.ahk { ; search for the string If RMSearchTerm =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex) If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands { If A_LoopReadLine contains if { IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, RMSearchTerm IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, = { StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,= StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All tooltiptext .= trimmed tooltiptext .= "`n" ; The following is used to correct padding: StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`; if (maxpadding < commentpos) maxpadding := commentpos } } } } tooltiptextpadded = Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n { line = %A_LoopField% StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `; spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos Loop, %spaces_to_insert% { StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`; } tooltiptextpadded .= line tooltiptextpadded .= "`n" } Sort, tooltiptextpadded FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss Append_Filepath = %A_scriptDir%\Lib\Atom_Commands.txt FileAppend, %tooltiptextpadded%,%Append_Filepath% ; Msgbox % "tooltiptextpadded: " tooltiptextpadded run, %Append_Filepath% ;ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1 return ;---FUNCTIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A function to escape characters like & for use in URLs. uriEncode(str) { f = %A_FormatInteger% SetFormat, Integer, Hex If RegExMatch(str, "^\w+:/{0,2}", pr) StringTrimLeft, str, str, StrLen(pr) StringReplace, str, str, `%, `%25, All Loop If RegExMatch(str, "i)[^\w\.~%/:]", char) StringReplace, str, str, %char%, % "%" . SubStr(Asc(char),3), All Else Break SetFormat, Integer, %f% Return, pr . str } ; Export usage statistics to .txt file within \Lib\ folder StatExport(SearchTitle) { if(!SaveUsageStats) ; quit early if usage stats are disabled Return FormatTime, CurrentTime,,yyyyMMdd_hhmmss StatsFile = %A_Scriptdir%\Lib\UsageStats_%A_ComputerName%.txt FileAppend, `n%CurrentTime% - %SearchTitle% - %A_ComputerName%,%StatsFile% }