; Interact with THIS AHK Script ;------------------------------------------------ else if AtomSearchTerm = rl%A_Space% ; Reload This script { gui_destroy() Reload } else if AtomSearchTerm = dir%A_Space% ; Open the directory for this script { gui_destroy() Run, %A_ScriptDir% } else if AtomSearchTerm = edit%A_Space% ; Edit host script { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ; Type Raw Text ;------------------------------------------------ else if AtomSearchTerm = raw%A_Space% ; Paste clipboard content without formatting { gui_destroy() SendRaw, %ClipBoard% } else if AtomSearchTerm = ram%A_Space% ; RAM Calculator { CustomTool = RamMultiplier gui_search_title = How many GB? > clipboard gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Ram_Metro.ico GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = time%A_Space% ; Requests { CustomTool = AHKTimeMultiplier gui_search_title = How much time? #M or #H > clipboard ; gui_search_icon = %A_ICODir%\Ram_Metro.ico GuiSearch("REPLACEME") ; REPLACEME text will be replaced with the text input StatExport(gui_search_title) } else if AtomSearchTerm = ada%A_Space% ; Adapters { gui_destroy() run, "C:\Windows\System32\ncpa.cpl" ; Network Adapters } else if AtomSearchTerm = disk%A_Space% ; Disk Management { gui_destroy() run, "diskmgmt.msc" ; Windows Disk management } else if AtomSearchTerm = power ; Power down the pc { gui_destroy() Shutdown, 8 ; power off command } else if AtomSearchTerm = date ; What is the date? { gui_destroy() FormatTime, date,, LongDate MsgBox %date% date = } else if AtomSearchTerm = week ; Which week is it? { gui_destroy() FormatTime, weeknumber,, YWeek StringTrimLeft, weeknumbertrimmed, weeknumber, 4 if (weeknumbertrimmed = 53) weeknumbertrimmed := 1 MsgBox It is currently week %weeknumbertrimmed% weeknumber = weeknumbertrimmed = } else if AtomSearchTerm = ?%A_Space% ; Tooltip with list of commands { GuiControl,, AtomSearchTerm, ; Clear the input box gui_destroy() Gosub, gui_commandlibrary } else if AtomSearchTerm = a?%A_Space% ; Tooltip with list of commands { GuiControl,, AtomSearchTerm, ; Clear the input box gui_destroy() Gosub, gui_commandlibrary } return