# Open Current Browser Tab WITH A simple Autohotkey script that adds keyboard shortcuts for executing various actions on your active browser tab, including: - Open with different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, etc) - Open on different device through KDE-Connect - Save to Pocket - Send to a Telegram channel using a bot - handy for saving a page for later without getting forgotten in bookmarks - Quick copy URL to clipboard - Open Archived version through Archive.org - Download Video or Audio using yt-dlp ![Preview](https://gitlab.com/yman84/open-with-browser/uploads/6be99a4dca865cefbc008136d68846c8/Preview.gif) ## Default Keyboard Shortcuts ##### (Can be customized by editing the .ahk file) - Alt + M: Send to Telegram Channel - Alt + P: Save Page to Pocket - Alt + X: Copy URL to Clipboard - Open Tab in Another Browser - Alt + F: Firefox - Alt + Shift + F: Firefox Private - Alt + C: Chrome - Alt + Shift + C: Chrome Incognito - Alt + B: Brave - Alt + Shift + B: Brave Incognito - Open Archived Version Through Archive.org - Alt + A: Open in same Same Tab - Alt + Shift + A: Open Page in New Tab - Open on Different Device using KDE-Connect - Alt + O: Open with KDE-Connect Device One - Alt + Shift + O: Open with KDE-Connect Device One - Download Video using yt-dlp - Alt + Y: Download Video - Alt + Shift + Y: Download Video's Audio # Installation 1) Make sure you have [autohotkey](https://www.autohotkey.com/) installed 2) If you have git installed:         `git clone https://gitlab.com/yman84/open-with-browser.git`       Otherwise:         Click Download and then select zip # Extended Functionality Configuration ## Open Tab on Different Device(s) using KDE-Connect - Install KDE-Connect: https://kdeconnect.kde.org/download.html - Get device IDs by running the following in Comamnd Prompt: ``"C:\Program Files\KDE Connect\bin\kdeconnect-cli.exe" -l`` - Set the KDEConnectDeviceOne\Two\Three in `KDE Connect Settings` section of the .ahk script to the device ID of each device you want to send to ## Save Tab URL to Pocket - Obtain an Access Token and Consumer Key by following the Pocket docs: - https://getpocket.com/developer/docs/authentication - Input both the Token and Key into the `Pocket Settings` section of the .ahk script ## Send Tab URL to a Telegram Channel - Create a Telegram Bot by following the Telegram docs - https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather - Obtain your chatID by following the guide here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32423837/telegram-bot-how-to-get-a-group-chat-id - Input both numbers into the `Telegram Settings` section of the .ahk script ## Download Video with [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) - Install yt-dlp - Using Chocolatey: ``choco install yt-dlp`` - OR [Manually](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest) - Update the `yt-dlp Settings` section of the .ahk script to match your video/audio quality preferences - By default video is 720p and audio is "BEST" ## Add Another Browser to Open Tabs With - Add your browser's filepath to the `Filepaths of Browsers` section below the others - Add your browser's ahk_exe info below the other browsers in `Trigger Within Applications` section by using Window Spy.ahk (comes installed with Autohotkey) - Change the function call to reflect your new browser - eg: `OpenWithBrowser(Firefox)` >> `OpenWithBrowser(YourCustomBrowser)`