diff --git a/content/drone-stuff/ardupilot-setup-checklist.md b/content/drone-stuff/ardupilot-setup-checklist.md index 767a4c1..44872d6 100644 --- a/content/drone-stuff/ardupilot-setup-checklist.md +++ b/content/drone-stuff/ardupilot-setup-checklist.md @@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ The values in this section are specific to the Omnibus F4, but the settings aren - [ ] Add arming switch with `RCn_OPTION=41` (on whatever channel you want). - [ ] Set up modes, possibly having switches override the mode channel to the mode you want. What I do is set a given channel as the mode channel, and make that channel always output -100% on the radio. Then, I set up channel overrides for each switch, keeping in mind that overrides in OpenTX are executed in order (so the bottom override has the highest priority). - That way, I set MANUAL/ACRO/FBWA to be lowest priority (on the same switch), then CRUISE to override those, then LOITER, AUTO, AUTOTUNE in that order. - Finally, I add RTL to a switch on its own channel, with the highest priority of all overrides. I also add an override for that switch to the mode channel to -100%, so moving any other stick won't exit RTL mode as long as RTL is enabled. + That way, I set MANUAL/ACRO/FBWA to be lowest priority (on the same switch), then CRUISE to override those, then LOITER, RTL in that order. Finally, I add AUTO to a switch on its own channel. + Keep in mind that whatever mode you have on its own channel might be overridden if you flick a different switch. + Unfortunately, the way the mode system in AP works, there's no good way to have a list of prioritized modes, which would be ideal. ## Auto modes @@ -229,6 +230,6 @@ _(Many thanks to Michel Pastor for his help with everything in this note.)_ * * *

-Last updated on March 05, 2021. For any questions/feedback, +Last updated on March 07, 2021. For any questions/feedback, email me at hi@stavros.io.

diff --git a/content/drone-stuff/miscellaneous.md b/content/drone-stuff/miscellaneous.md index 864685e..c836c9b 100644 --- a/content/drone-stuff/miscellaneous.md +++ b/content/drone-stuff/miscellaneous.md @@ -7,10 +7,15 @@ insert_anchor_links = "right" This is a bunch of miscellaneous info that wouldn't fit anywhere else: - The ZOHD Dart 250g with the stock motor draws 4.5A on 2S with the 5x5 propeller. It draws the same amperage at exactly 75% throttle with a 3S battery and the same propeller. +- When wiring your electronics, make sure you don't have any ground loops. + This means that there should only be one ground wire going to each component. + For example, the ESC has one ground wire for power (to the battery) and one for signal (to the FC), you should *only* use one of the two (the one going to the battery). + What you can do for the other ground wire, though, is twist it around the signal wire and only connect it to the FC side, to reduce emissions. + If you have coaxial cable, you can do the same, connect the outer shielding to the FC's ground, and don't connect the other side anywhere, and use the core as signal. * * *

-Last updated on February 20, 2021. For any questions/feedback, +Last updated on March 06, 2021. For any questions/feedback, email me at hi@stavros.io.