+++ title = "Transfer config between craft" weight = 8 sort_by = "weight" insert_anchor_links = "right" +++ This is the regex I use with Parachute to transfer between planes only the parameters that are transferrable (ie non-plane-specific): `^(ACRO_LOCKING|OSD.*|RC[\d_]+.*|FLTMODE.*|FLIGHT_OPTIONS|FS_.*|RTL_CLIMB_MIN|RTL_RADIUS|THR_PASS_STAB|THR_SLEWRATE|THR_SUPP_MAN|TKOFF_ACCEL_CNT|TKOFF_ALT|TKOFF_DIST|TKOFF_THR_DELAY|HOME_RESET_ALT|ALT_HOLD_RTL)$` This will transfer things like the OSD settings, flight modes, failsafe options, etc etc, but will leave things like PID tuning alone. Use it to set up a new plane by copying over settings from an older plane. * * *

Last updated on September 07, 2021. For any questions/feedback, email me at hi@stavros.io.