# Build notes for the FT Mighty Mini Arrow These notes are a condensed version of the [FT Arrow build video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD2Ca2oskVs). ![maxresdefault.jpeg](/resources/d4819ca1c3d0490daaa12f62af09aa00.jpg) ## Wings * Do an "A" fold on the spars and glue, stop 15mm from each edge. Use a triangle to make sure the spar folds are perpendicular. * Open the servo hole. * Cut the bevels, double on wing and single on elevon (on the elevon side). * Add a thin ribbon on glue on the bottom of the elevon hinge for strength, and scrape almost all of it off. * Remove servo pocket from the wing. * Fold the wing with the bottom on top, to curve the leading edge without crinkling the airfoil score cuts. * Cut the side pods if you aren't going to use a center pod. * Glue the side pod hinges. * Cut the main pod space on the top of the wing. * Skewer the wing score cuts. * Line up the spar's servo hole onto the wing and glue onto the top side. * Glue the airfoil's score cuts and fold the wing so the score cuts are glued up. * Cut the excess spar. * Probably put the servos in now, to avoid having to make a hook later. * Glue the leading edge, bottoms of the spar, and the end of the trailing edge, and press closed. ### Joining the wings * Tape the wings together at the bottom, glue them together in the middle, lay them down and wipe the excess glue. * Cut the excess edge of the nose. ## Center pod * Pop out the foam tabs on the wings, where the center pod will go. * Pop out the tabs on the center pod. * Do an "A" fold on the bottom plate. * Fold the little edge of the top of the center pod over (and/or add tape). * Glue the center pod on. The backs of the wing should both be at the same height. Note that still be open/exposed, not glued down. FT leave them like that, but I like to close them up with some tape at the end so junk doesn't get into the wing. * Install the control horns and servos (I use epoxy for the control horns as they tend to get ripped out with just hot glue). * Use the reflex checker foam to calibrate the wing's reflex. * Add a ziptie to the control rod so it doesn't bend. ## Power pod * Install the motor onto the power pod and install the power pod. You probably don't need to glue this, just make sure it's tight. * Remove the foam from the sides of the nose. * Do a "C" fold on the back bit (and probably add some tape). * Carefully bend the nose. * Test fit it and glue the front part. * Use more tape to secure the front and sides. * Add some tape so you can pull the top open. * Add some glue to the bottom of the top hatch so it catches and secures on close. ## Winglets * Only cut the top part of the wing, parallel to the bottom. * Line up the reference line on the winglets and glue (the front tip of the winglet should be flush with the leading edge). ## Electronics * The rest is left as an exercise to the reader. * * *

Last updated on November 27, 2020. For any questions/feedback, email me at hi@stavros.io.