+++ title = "Omnibus F4 pro servo diode" weight = 11 sort_by = "weight" insert_anchor_links = "right" +++ To isolate the servo 5V rail from the controller's 5V power supply, remove this diode: [![a435bcae86912205b6fac41731285b8d.png](../../resources/6d668e05d8a54580966b94a752f3b7db.png)](../../resources/6d668e05d8a54580966b94a752f3b7db.png) Now the servos' 5V rail can be powered from another 5V supply to avoid servo current backflow into the FC. There's also a [schematic for this FC](../../resources/805930c3bedc4393ba947f0e0bfa369d.pdf). * * *

Last updated on April 09, 2021. For any questions/feedback, email me at hi@stavros.io.