# Snippy Snippy is a linux snippet manager with powerfull features ! ![snippy](img/snippy.png) ## Features ### Clipboard * Restore current clipboard after pasting the snippet * `{clipboard}` placeholder to use current clipboard in snippet, ex: ``` CREATE DATABASE \`{clipboard}\` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ``` * `{clipboard_urlencode}` placeholder to use current clipboard in snippet with urlencode format, ex: ``` https://cachedview.nl/#{clipboard_urlencode} ``` ### Cursor `{cursor}` placeholder to place the cursor * go left to the correct position for cli and gui paste ```
``` * go up for block snippet for gui paste ```
``` ### Parsing * `##noparse` header in snippet to not parse/execute the snippet. ``` ##noparse date --date="$(date +%F) -1 month" +%F ``` * directly execute command begining by `$` * execute bash script in `$snippets_directory/scripts` * copy script content when selection is selected by CTRL+Return, exemple: - with the following snippet: `$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm%S)` - using Return will paste the current date - using CTRL+Return will paste the command directly ### Icons ! Icon name is set in rofi with the root directory name of your snippets. If you have the following snippets, the `terminal` icon will be displayed in rofi: ``` terminal/ ├── other/ │   └── date └── script/ └── test ``` ![icons](img/icons.png) ### Cli ```bash # snippy -h Usage: /usr/bin/snippy [OPTION] ACTION Snippy snippets manager Options -h, --help Show help Actions gui Browse snippet and paste it in the focused window (default) cli list snippet in cli mode, only copy snippet in the paste buffer edit Browse snippet and edit it add Add a new snippet list list snippet cat list category ```