## Helper Script to Setup a Fresh [EndeavourOS](https://endeavouros.com/) or Arch Linux Installation Copy and Paste into Terminal to download and launch: - Needs yad installed on the system (pacman -S yad) ```` cd ~/Downloads/ && wget -q -O Linux_Toolbox.sh https://git.zinchuk.xyz/yuriy/Linux-Setup-Script/raw/branch/main/Linux_Toolbox.sh && chmod +x Linux_Toolbox.sh && bash Linux_Toolbox.sh ```` - Install Software through Pacman/Paru - paru, htop, librewolf, brave, docker, docker-compose - Install packages from a Pacman Export List - Change System Settings - Import KDE Settings through Konsave - Change sudo timeout, change grub timeout, insert [Flexo Local Update Repo](https://github.com/nroi/flexo), enable ssh ***