git shortcuts

This commit is contained in:
Yuriy 2024-07-02 21:46:24 -04:00
parent 92d99ee7f0
commit 551f668836

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@ -14,17 +14,21 @@ function gac{git add .;git commit -m @args}
function gacc{git add .;git commit -m @args ; git push}
function gpm{git push origin master}
function pull{git pull}
function gp{git pull}
function gpp{git pull}
function gpm{git checkout main ; git pull}
function gl{git log}
function glo{git log --oneline}
function gch{git checkout @args}
function gb{git branch @args}
function gs{git status}
function gss{git status}
function gdd{git diff}
function gdf{git diff}
function gsi{git submodule init}
function gsu{git submodule update --recursive --remote}
function gr{ni;nano} # choco install nano -y
function gr{ni;nano} # choco install nano -y to use nano
function gi{ni .gitignore; Add-Content -Path /.gitignore -Value '@args'} # choco install nano -y to use nano
# function gsu{git submodule update --recursive --remote}
# Open up files with specific program