gui rework, added option to shutdown on all completion, upload each result to ntfy, hide CMD popups

This commit is contained in:
Yuriy 2024-07-31 04:37:48 -04:00
parent a31b688332
commit 77794d1c22
2 changed files with 976 additions and 181 deletions

Whisper-AHK-GUI2.ahk Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
;DetectHiddenWindows, On
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;SetKeyDelay, 500
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; Notes/Extra Info/#Includes
EnvGet, ProcessorCount, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
HeaderFontSize := 10
NormalFontSize := 10
Margin := 10
gui, Margin, %Margin%, 10
ColumnOneXPos := 10
GUIHeight = 400
ColumnHeaderButtonHeight := 30
ButtonHeight := 20
ExecuteButtonYPos := GUIHeight - ButtonHeight
ColumnOneHeaderWidth := 250
ColumnTwoHeaderWidth := 300
ColumnThreeHeaderWidth := 150
; ColumnOneHeaderWidth
ColumnTwoVerticalLineXPos := ColumnOneHeaderWidth + ColumnOneXPos + 10
ColumnTwoXPos := ColumnTwoVerticalLineXPos + Margin
Column_Three_Vertical_line_x_Pos := ColumnTwoXPos + ColumnTwoHeaderWidth + Margin
ColumnThreeXPos := Column_Three_Vertical_line_x_Pos + Margin
ColumnTwoSubCheckboxesXPos := ColumnTwoXPos + 20
ColumnOneWidth := ColumnTwoXPos - ColumnOneXPos - margin
; Column One
Gui, Font, s%HeaderFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnOneXPos% y0 w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth% h%ColumnHeaderButtonHeight%, FILE SELECTION
Gui, font, normal
; Gui, Add, Text, w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth% center, Select Files to Transcribe
; Gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, Edit, vFilesFilepath gUpdateGUI w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth%
Gui, Add, Button, y+1 gSelectFile w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth%, Select Files to Transcribe
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gUpdateGUI vTranscribeDirectory, Transcribe all files in this folder
Gui, Font, s%HeaderFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnOneXPos% y+50 w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth% h%ColumnHeaderButtonHeight%, TRANSCRIPTION SETTINGS
Gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, Edit, gUpdateGUI w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth%,
Gui, Add, UpDown, vCPUThreads Range1-20, %CPUThreads%
Gui, Add, Text, x%margin% y+%margin% w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth% center, Number of CPU Threads If Using CPU (PC MAX: %ProcessorCount%) ; `nTotal Processors on PC: %ProcessorCount%
gui, add, text, y+20 w%ColumnOneWidth% 0x10 ;Horizontal Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Font, s%HeaderFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnOneXPos% w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth% h%ColumnHeaderButtonHeight%, MODEL
Gui, Font, Normal
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, vCheckboxColOne, Checkbox
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vBaseM checked%BaseM%, Base
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vSmallM checked%SmallM%, Small
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vMediumM checked%MediumM%, Medium
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vLargeM checked%LargeM% ,Large
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAllMQualities, ALL (One by One)
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnOneXPos% w%ColumnOneHeaderWidth% h%ColumnHeaderButtonHeight%, LENGTH
Gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gUpdateGUI vShortPodcasts checked%ShortPodcastsCheckStatus%, Short ( < 30 Mins)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vMediumPodcasts gUpdateGUI checked%MediumPodcastsCheckStatus%, Medium (30-60 Mins)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vLongPodcasts gUpdateGUI checked%LongPodcastsCheckStatus%, Long ( > 60 Mins)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAnyLengthMediaFile gUpdateGUI checked%AnyLengthMediaFileCheckStatus%, ANY Length
; Column Two
Gui, Font, s%HeaderFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
gui, add, text, x%ColumnTwoVerticalLineXPos% y0 h%GUIHeight% 0x11 ;Vertical Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnTwoXPos% y0 w%ColumnTwoHeaderWidth% h%ColumnHeaderButtonHeight%, Settings
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vKeepCMD, Keep CMD Open After Model Completion
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vShowTooltip checked%ShowTooltip%, Show Tooltip of Progress at Top of Screen
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vNTFYPost checked%NTFYURLCheckStatus%, NTFY After Each Transcription
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vNTFYUpload checked%NTFYUploadCheckStatus%, Upload Transcript to NTFY
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vContinueAfterCMDClose checked%ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus%, Start After Current Running Transcription Ends
; Column Three
Gui, Font, s%HeaderFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
gui, add, text, x%Column_Three_Vertical_line_x_Pos% y0 h%GUIHeight% 0x11 ;Vertical Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnThreeXPos% y0 w%ColumnThreeHeaderWidth% h%ColumnHeaderButtonHeight%, COLUMNTHREE
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vCheckboxColThree, Checkbox
Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Button, yp+70 w%ColumnThreeHeaderWidth% gUpgradeChocolatey, Upgrade Chocolatey
; Gui, Add, Button, yp+100 w%ColumnThreeHeaderWidth% gUncheckAll, Uncheck All
Gui, Add, Button, w%ColumnThreeHeaderWidth% gSubmit h%ButtonHeight% y%ExecuteButtonYPos% x%ColumnThreeXPos%, Execute
; Gui, Add, Text, x+5, Debloat
; Gui, Show, ; w1230 ; , w600 h200
gui, Show,,%GUI_Title%
; GoSubs
gui, Submit, NoHide
Msgbox, Your already have a directory selected. `nThis script can only handle one or the other at the moment.
FileSelectFile, SelectedFiles, M3 ; M3 = Multiselect existing files.
if (SelectedFiles = "")
GUIFilesText := StrReplace(SelectedFiles, "`n", "|")
GuiControl, Text,FilesFilepath, %GUIFilesText%
Msgbox, Your already have individual files selected. `nThis script can only handle one or the other at the moment.
; have user select a file within the directory they want transcribed.
; Will later get the directory name from this file
FileSelectFile, SelectedDirectoryPath
if (SelectedDirectoryPath = "")
GuiControl,Text,SelectedDirectoryPath, %SelectedDirectoryPath%
gui, Submit, NoHide
IniRead, NTFYURL, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYURL, %A_space%
; Msgbox % "NTFYURL: " NTFYURL
InputBox, NTFYURL, Input NTFY URL, Please input NTFY url for notifications.`nGenerate a URL at:
NTFY := 0
else, { ; save url to settings.ini
IniWrite, %NTFYURL%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYURL
IniWrite, %CPUThreads%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, CPUThreads
IniWrite, %ShowTooltip%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShowTooltip
IniWrite, %MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions
; IniWrite, %ContinueAfterCMDClose%, Settings.ini, %A_ScriptName%, ContinueAfterCMDClose
IniWrite, %SelectedDirectoryPath%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, SelectedDirectoryPath
else, {
IniWrite, %A_space%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, SelectedDirectoryPath
if(!SelectedFiles AND !SelectedDirectoryPath){
msgbox, Please select individual files or a directory that you want Transcribed.
Status := RunCMD("ffmpeg")
; Msgbox % "Status: " Status
if(!InStr(Status, "ffmpeg version")){
MsgBox, Error:, FFMPEG was not found in System PATH.`nPlease install it and add it to System PATH to automatically convert files to the Whisper.cpp required 16-bit WAV file
Message = Creating Required Variables
; if files selected, add them all to array
SelectedAudioFilesArray := [] ; Create array
; loop through all selected files and add them to the array
Loop, parse, SelectedFiles, `n
if (A_Index = 1){
AudioFilesDIR = %A_LoopField%
; MsgBox, The selected files are all contained in %A_LoopField%.
AudioFileFP = %AudioFilesDIR%\%A_LoopField%
SelectedAudioFilesArray.Push(AudioFileFP) ; Append an item to the array
; SelectedAudioFilesVAR .= AudioFileFP . ","
; if directory selected, loop through all files and add them to the array
SplitPath, SelectedDirectoryPath, OutFileName, AudioFilesDIR, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
; msgbox, adding files in directory to var
SelectedAudioFilesArray := [] ; Create array
Text = Creating Array of Whitelisted Files (%WhitelistedMediaFilesExtensions%) `nin Directory: %AudioFilesDIR%
Loop, files, %AudioFilesDIR%\*.*, F
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt,
if(InStr(WhitelistedMediaFilesExtensions, FileExt)){
; If directory selected, add all files to array
; Msgbox % "AudioFilesDIR: " AudioFilesDIR
; KeepCMD := 0
OverwritePreviousTranscriptions := 0
KeepCMD := "K"
else, {
KeepCMD := "C"
; clear variable from GUI
TranscriptionModelsSelected :=
; push to array each quality selected
if(TinyM Or AllMQualities){
TranscriptionModels.Push("Tiny") ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelPaths.Push(tinyM_FP) ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelsSelected .= "Tiny|"
if(SmallM Or AllMQualities){
TranscriptionModels.Push("Small") ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelPaths.Push(smallM_FP) ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelsSelected .= "Small|"
if(BaseM Or AllMQualities){
TranscriptionModels.Push("Base") ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelPaths.Push(baseM_FP) ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelsSelected .= "Base|"
if(MediumM Or AllMQualities){
TranscriptionModels.Push("Medium") ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelPaths.Push(mediumM_FP) ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelsSelected .= "Medium|"
if(LargeM Or AllMQualities){
TranscriptionModels.Push("Large") ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelPaths.Push(largeM_FP) ; Append an item to the array
TranscriptionModelsSelected .= "Large|"
if(TranscriptionModelsSelected = ""){
Text = Please Select at Least ONE Model to Transcribe With
msgbox, %Text%
; save selected models to ini files
IniWrite, %TranscriptionModelsSelected%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, TranscriptionModelsSelected
TranscriptionLengthsSelected :=
(ShortPodcasts)?(TranscriptionLengthsSelected .= "Short|"):("")
(MediumPodcasts)?(TranscriptionLengthsSelected .= "Medium|"):("")
(LongPodcasts)?(TranscriptionLengthsSelected .= "Long|"):("")
(AnyLengthMediaFile)?(TranscriptionLengthsSelected .= "AnyLengthMediaFile|"):("")
if(TranscriptionLengthsSelected = ""){
Text = Please Select the Audio Length you'd like to Transcribe
msgbox, %Text%
IniWrite, %TranscriptionLengthsSelected%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, TranscriptionLengthsSelected
; msgbox
text = Creating Required Directories
FileCreateDir, %AudioFilesDIR%\Transcriptions
FileCreateDir, %AudioFilesDIR%\WAVFiles
text = Starting Transcription
; loop through the array and transcribe using options selected
; Msgbox % TranscriptionModels.Length() ; Display total number of items in the array
; ArrayLenght := TranscriptionModels.Length() ; Save total number of items in the array
if(ContinueAfterCMDClose and WinExist("Podcast-Transcription-In-Progress")){
; msgbox, cmd found.
Text = Waiting for Current Running Transcription to Finish in CMD
WinWaitClose, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass ;, WinText, Seconds [, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]
; msgbox, cmd closed
; loop for each selected audio file
loop % SelectedAudioFilesArray.Length() {
Filepath := SelectedAudioFilesArray[A_Index]
OriginalFilepath := SelectedAudioFilesArray[A_Index]
SplitPath, Filepath, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
; Convert the file to 16-bit WAV file as required by whisper.cpp
WavFilepath = %AudioFilesDIR%\WAVFiles\%OutNameNoExt%.wav
; loop through each selected transcription model
Loop % TranscriptionModels.Length() {
ModelName := TranscriptionModels[A_Index]
ModelPath := TranscriptionModelPaths[A_Index]
; create filepaths where outputs will be saved to
OutputPath = %AudioFilesDIR%\Transcriptions\%OutNameNoExt%_%ModelName%
OutputModelTxtFile = %AudioFilesDIR%\Transcriptions\%OutNameNoExt%_%ModelName%.txt
OutputTxtFP = %OutputPath%.txt
LogFileFP = %OutputPath%.log
Text = Checking for Previous Transcription
; If .txt Transcription file exists, move on to next model
Message :="Skipping " . OutFileName . " - already transcribed with " . ModelName . " Model"
; otherwise check if log file exists from a previous run, or current run on different node (if using shared folder)
FileGetTime, LogFileFPModificationTime, %LogFileFP%, M ;
; EnvSub, Var, Value [, TimeUnits]
EnvSub, LogFileFPModificationTime, A_Now, S ; get hours SINCE last modified
; Check if log file was last added to more than 24 hours ago
; No podcast transcription should take more than that, and it means that a node started, but never finished it
LogFileFPModificationTime := (LogFileFPModificationTime * -1 )
; Msgbox % "LogFileFPModificationTime: " LogFileFPModificationTime
if((LogFileFPModificationTime < 86400)){
text = Skipping %OutFileName% with Model:%ModelName% - Currently being Transcribed by a different node.
; sleep, 1000
; get information about audio file
Obj := Filexpro(Filepath,,
, "Length"
, "Size" )
AudioLength := obj["Length"]
AudioLengthArray := StrSplit(AudioLength,":")
TotalTimeInSeconds := ((AudioLengthArray[1] * 60 ) * 60) + (AudioLengthArray[2] * 60) + AudioLengthArray[3]
; continue onwards
else, { ; otherwise check length and skip accordingly
if(TotalTimeInSeconds > 1860){ ; greater than 31 minutes
Text = Podcast is longer than 30 minutes. Skipping
; msgbox, skipping medium/Long podcast
if(MediumPodcasts){ ; if less than 31 minutes or greater than 61 minutes
if(TotalTimeInSeconds < 1860 OR TotalTimeInSeconds > 3660){
Text = Podcast is either shorter than 30 minutes or longer than 60 minutes. Skipping
if(TotalTimeInSeconds < 3660){
Text = Podcast is shorter than 60 minutes Skipping
; msgbox, skipping short/medium podcast
if(FileExist(WavFilepath)){ ; re-use previously converted wav file if it exists
Filepath := WavFilepath
}else, {
text = Converting File: %OutFileName% To 16-bit WAV file
runwait, %ComSpec% /%KeepCMD% ffmpeg -i "%Filepath%" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "%WavFilepath%"
; msgbox, checking filepath
Message = WAV file not found at:`n%WavFilepath%`nConversion failed for some reason.`nPlease select the "Keep CMD Open" checkbox and run again to see the error.`nClick OK to exit.
FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS,hh:mm
text = Transcription in Progress`nModel: %ModelName% CPU Threads: %CPUThreads% Length: %AudioLength%`nFile: %OutNameNoExt%`nStart Time: %TodayDate%
LogToTextFile(text, LogFileFP)
; msgbox
UStartTime := A_TickCount ; start time
runwait, %ComSpec% /%KeepCMD% title Podcast-Transcription-In-Progress & %A_scriptdir%\Models\main.exe -m %ModelPath% -f "%WavFilepath%" -t %CPUThreads% -otxt -ovtt -osrt -owts -ocsv -of "%OutputPath%"
URunTime := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2) ; end time
Message = Time to Transcribe: %URunTime% seconds
LogToTextFile(Message, LogFileFP)
; get time it took to transcribe in seconds
TranscriptionLength := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2)
; if more than 1 hour, convert time to hours:minutes for NTFY message
(TranscriptionLength > 3600)?(NTFYTranscriptionTime := round((TranscriptionLength / 3600),2) . " Hours"):(NTFYTranscriptionTime := TranscriptionLength . " Seconds")
SecondsToTranscribe1Sec := round((TranscriptionLength / TotalTimeInSeconds), 2)
; TotalTimeInSeconds
text = Transcription of %WavFilepath% took a total of %TranscriptionLength% Seconds
LogToTextFile(text, LogFileFP)
Message = Transcription Complete `nNode: %A_ComputerName% `nFile: %OutNameNoExt% `nAudio Length: %AudioLength%`nModel: %ModelName%`nCPU Threads: %CPUThreads% `nTTTS: %NTFYTranscriptionTime%`nTTS 1 (s): %SecondsToTranscribe1Sec% Seconds
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, NTFYURL)
; / All transcriptions have been looped through
; take a short rest so CPU has time to cool down
; IF the last model tool longer than 10 seconds to complete (AKA not skipped over)
if(MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions AND TranscriptionLength > 1000){
if(ModelName = "Medium" OR ModelName="Large"){
text = Waiting for %MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions% Minutes before moving on to next item
MilisecondsToSleep := MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions * 60000
sleep, %MilisecondsToSleep%
; reset timer for next loop
TranscriptionLength :=
Message = Node: %A_ComputerName% Has Completed Transcribing ALL Selected Files! ;`nFile: %OutNameNoExt% `nModel: %ModelName%`nCPU Threads: %CPUThreads% `nLength: %AudioLength%`nTime: %TranscriptionLength% Seconds
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, NTFYURL)
msgbox, All Transcriptions have been completed.
; Functions
LogToTextFile(Text, Filepath){
; ErrorLoggingFile := Filepath
FileAppend, %Text%`n`n, %Filepath%
TooltipFirstLine := StrSplit(Text, "`n")
TooltipFirstLine := TooltipFirstLine[1]
ToolTipLen := StrLen(TooltipFirstLine)
TooltipXPos := A_ScreenWidth / 2 - ((ToolTipLen * 9) / 2)
; Msgbox % "TooltipXPos: " TooltipXPos
ToolTip, %Text%, %TooltipXPos%, 0
ErrorLogText := Text "`n`n" . ErrorLogText
GuiControl, Text,StatusLog, %ErrorLogText%
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, URL){
command = powershell (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri %URL% -Body '%Message%' -UseBasicParsing)
Status := RunCMD(Command)
; Msgbox % "Status: " Status
; -------------------------------FileXPro Get File Attributes-------------------------------
Filexpro( sFile := "", Kind := "", P* ) { ; v.90 By SKAN on D1CC @
Static xDetails
If ( sFile = "" )
{ ; Deinit static variable
xDetails := ""
fex := {}, _FileExt := ""
Loop, Files, % RTrim(sfile,"\*/."), DF
If not FileExist( sFile:=A_LoopFileLongPath )
SplitPath, sFile, _FileExt, _Dir, _Ext, _File, _Drv
If ( p[p.length()] = "xInfo" ) ; Last parameter is xInfo
p.Pop() ; Delete parameter
fex.SetCapacity(11) ; Make room for Extra info
fex["_Attrib"] := A_LoopFileAttrib
fex["_Dir"] := _Dir
fex["_Drv"] := _Drv
fex["_Ext"] := _Ext
fex["_File"] := _File
fex["_File.Ext"] := _FileExt
fex["_FilePath"] := sFile
fex["_FileSize"] := A_LoopFileSize
fex["_FileTimeA"] := A_LoopFileTimeAccessed
fex["_FileTimeC"] := A_LoopFileTimeCreated
fex["_FileTimeM"] := A_LoopFileTimeModified
If Not ( _FileExt ) ; Filepath not resolved
objShl := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
objDir := objShl.NameSpace(_Dir)
objItm := objDir.ParseName(_FileExt)
If ( VarSetCapacity(xDetails) = 0 ) ; Init static variable
i:=-1, xDetails:={}, xDetails.SetCapacity(309)
While ( i++ < 309 )
xDetails[ objDir.GetDetailsOf(0,i) ] := i
If ( Kind and Kind <> objDir.GetDetailsOf(objItm,11) ) ; File isn't desired kind
i:=0, nParams:=p.Count(), fex.SetCapacity(nParams + 11)
While ( i++ < nParams )
Prop := p[i]
If ( (Dot:=InStr(Prop,".")) and (Prop:=(Dot=1 ? "System":"") . Prop) )
fex[Prop] := objItm.ExtendedProperty(Prop)
If ( PropNum := xDetails[Prop] ) > -1
fex[Prop] := ObjDir.GetDetailsOf(objItm,PropNum)
Return fex
} ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Misc
; Escape::ExitApp
; Functions
; Misc
; Escape::ExitApp

View File

@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ ScriptName = Whisper-AHK
ScriptVersion = V1.0 ScriptVersion = V1.0
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
WhitelistedMediaFilesExtensions = mp3,wav,mp4 WhitelistedMediaFilesExtensions = mp3,wav,mp4
; Models
largeM_FP = %A_scriptdir%\Models\ggml-large-v1.bin largeM_FP = %A_scriptdir%\Models\ggml-large-v1.bin
mediumM_FP = %A_scriptdir%\Models\ggml-medium.bin mediumM_FP = %A_scriptdir%\Models\ggml-medium.bin
baseM_FP = %A_scriptdir%\Models\ggml-base.en.bin baseM_FP = %A_scriptdir%\Models\ggml-base.en.bin
@ -41,17 +40,26 @@ EnvGet, ProcessorCount, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
; EnvGet, ProcessorCount, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS ; EnvGet, ProcessorCount, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
IniRead, ShutdownOnFinish, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShutdownOnFinish, 0
IniRead, CPUThreads, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, CPUThreads, %A_space% IniRead, CPUThreads, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, CPUThreads, %A_space%
IniRead, ShowTooltip, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShowTooltip, %A_space% IniRead, ShowTooltip, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShowTooltip, %A_space%
IniRead, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions, 0 IniRead, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions, 0
IniRead, SelectedDirectoryPath, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, SelectedDirectoryPath, %A_space% IniRead, SelectedDirectoryPath, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, SelectedDirectoryPath, %A_space%
IniRead, TranscriptionModelsSelected, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, TranscriptionModelsSelected, %A_space% IniRead, TranscriptionModelsSelected, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, TranscriptionModelsSelected, %A_space%
IniRead, TranscriptionLengthsSelected, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, TranscriptionLengthsSelected, %A_space% IniRead, TranscriptionLengthsSelected, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, TranscriptionLengthsSelected, %A_space%
IniRead, NTFYURL, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYURL, %A_space% IniRead, NTFYURL, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYURL, 0
(NTFYURL)?(NTFYURLCheckStatus := 1):(NTFYURLCheckStatus := 0) (NTFYURL)?(NTFYURLCheckStatus := 1):(NTFYURLCheckStatus := 0)
(WinExist("Podcast-Transcription-In-Progress"))?(ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus := 1):(ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus := 0) (WinExist("Podcast-Transcription-In-Progress"))?(ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus := 1):(ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, HideCMDWindows, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, HideCMDWindows, 0
IniRead, UploadResultToNTFY, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, UploadResultToNTFY, 0
IniRead, NTFYEXEFilepath, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYEXEFilepath, 0
IniRead, NTFYTopic, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYTopic, 0
; Msgbox % "ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus: " ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus ; Msgbox % "ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus: " ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus
/* /*
@ -91,20 +99,23 @@ TranscriptionModelGPUNames := [] ; Create an array
; -------------------------------GUI Variables------------------------------- ; -------------------------------GUI Variables-------------------------------
GUIMargin := 5 GUIMargin := 10
GUIRowTwoXPos := 300 VerticalLineHeight := 600
GUIRowTwoVerticalLineXPos := GUIRowTwoXPos - 10
GUIRowThreeXPos := 650 GUIRowTwoXPos := 350
GUIRowThreeVerticalLineXPos := GUIRowThreeXPos - 10 GUIRowTwoWidth := 350
GUIRowTwoVerticalLineXPos := GUIRowTwoXPos - (10 * 2)
GUIRowThreeXPos := GUIRowTwoXPos + GUIRowTwoWidth + (GUIMargin * 2)
GUIRowThreeVerticalLineXPos := GUIRowThreeXPos - GUIMargin
GUIButtonWidths := 50 GUIButtonWidths := 50
GUIEditBoxWidth := GUIRowTwoXPos - (GUIMargin * 4) GUIEditBoxWidth := GUIRowTwoXPos - (GUIMargin * 4)
GuiWidth := 1000 GuiWidth := 1100
GuiStartButtonXPos := GUIRowTwoXPos + %GUIMargin% GuiStartButtonXPos := GUIRowTwoXPos + %GUIMargin%
GUISelectButtonWidths := 70 GUISelectButtonWidths := 70
@ -115,8 +126,9 @@ TranscribeButtonWidth := GuiWidth - GUIRowThreeXPos - (GUIMargin * 2)
gui, font, s12 gui, font, s12
Gui, font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y%GUIMargin% w%GUIRowTwoXPos% center, Transcription Settings Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y%GUIMargin% w%GUIRowTwoXPos% center, Transcription Settings
Gui, font, normal Gui, font, normal
; Gui, Add, Text, , Number of CPU Threads ; `nTotal Processors on PC: %ProcessorCount% ; Gui, Add, Text, , Number of CPU Threads ; `nTotal Processors on PC: %ProcessorCount%
@ -124,7 +136,7 @@ Gui, Add, Text, x%GUIMargin% y+%GUIMargin% w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Number o
Gui, Add, Edit, gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, Gui, Add, Edit, gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%,
Gui, Add, UpDown, vCPUThreads Range1-20, %CPUThreads% Gui, Add, UpDown, vCPUThreads Range1-20, %CPUThreads%
Gui, Add, Text, x%GUIMargin% y+15 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Minutes to Pause After M/L Models ; `nTotal Processors on PC: %ProcessorCount% Gui, Add, Text, x%GUIMargin% y+40 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Minutes to Pause After M/L Models ; `nTotal Processors on PC: %ProcessorCount%
Gui, Add, Edit, gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, Gui, Add, Edit, gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%,
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions Range0-20, %MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions% Gui, Add, UpDown, vMinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions Range0-20, %MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions%
@ -134,7 +146,7 @@ Gui, Add, UpDown, vMinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions Range0-20, %MinutesToPaus
; Gui, Add, Text ; Gui, Add, Text
; Gui, font, Bold ; Gui, font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y+15 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Transcribe Individual File(s): Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y+40 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Transcribe Individual File(s)
; Gui, font, normal ; Gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, Edit, vFilesFilepath gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth% Gui, Add, Edit, vFilesFilepath gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%
Gui, Add, Button, y+1 gSelectFile w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, Select Gui, Add, Button, y+1 gSelectFile w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, Select
@ -142,33 +154,38 @@ Gui, Add, Button, y+1 gSelectFile w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, Select
; Gui, font, Bold ; Gui, font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text, cRed center w200 x%GUIMargin%, OR ; Gui, Add, Text, cRed center w200 x%GUIMargin%, OR
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y+15 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Transcribe All Audio Files within Folder: ; Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y+40 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, OR
Gui, Add, Edit, vSelectedDirectoryPath gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, %SelectedDirectoryPath%
; Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIMargin% y+40 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% center, Transcribe Directory
; gui, font, s12
Gui, Add, Edit, h30 vSelectedDirectoryPath gUpdateGUI w%GUIEditBoxWidth%, %SelectedDirectoryPath%
Gui, Add, Button, y+1 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% gSelectDirectory , Select Gui, Add, Button, y+1 w%GUIEditBoxWidth% gSelectDirectory , Select
gui, add, text, y%GUIMargin% x%GUIRowTwoVerticalLineXPos% 0x11 h270 ; 0x11 is a "line" ; refer to here: gui, add, text, y%GUIMargin% x%GUIRowTwoVerticalLineXPos% 0x11 h%VerticalLineHeight% ; 0x11 is a "line" ; refer to here:
Gui, font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIRowTwoXPos% y%GUIMargin% w%GUIRowTwoXPos% center,Transcription Model Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIRowTwoXPos% y%GUIMargin% w%GUIRowTwoWidth% center,Transcription Model
Gui, font, normal ; , Param2, Param3, Param4] Gui, font, normal ; , Param2, Param3, Param4]
; Gui, Add, Radio ; Gui, Add, Radio
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vBaseM checked%BaseM%, Base (142 MB Disk, ~210 MB RAM) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w%GUIRowTwoWidth% vBaseM checked%BaseM%, Base (142 MB Disk, ~210 MB RAM)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vSmallM checked%SmallM%, Small (466 MB Disk, ~600 MB RAM) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w%GUIRowTwoWidth% vSmallM checked%SmallM%, Small (466 MB Disk, ~600 MB RAM)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vMediumM checked%MediumM%, Medium (1.5 GB Disk, ~1.7 GB RAM) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w%GUIRowTwoWidth% vMediumM checked%MediumM%, Medium (1.5 GB Disk, ~1.7 GB RAM)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vLargeM checked%LargeM% ,Large (2.9 GB Disk, ~3.3 GB RAM) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w%GUIRowTwoWidth% vLargeM checked%LargeM% ,Large (2.9 GB Disk, ~3.3 GB RAM)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAllMQualities, ALL (One by One) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w%GUIRowTwoWidth% vAllMQualities, ALL (One by One)
; Gui, Add, Slider, w200 h20 Range1-5, test, one, two ; Creates a horizontal slider ; Gui, Add, Slider, w200 h20 Range1-5, test, one, two ; Creates a horizontal slider
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Font, underline Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIRowTwoXPos% y+15 w%GUIRowTwoXPos% center,Length of Podcasts to Transcribe Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIRowTwoXPos% y+15 w%GUIRowTwoXPos% center,Length of File to Transcribe
Gui, font, normal Gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAnyLengthMediaFile gUpdateGUI checked%AnyLengthMediaFileCheckStatus%, ANY Length Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAnyLengthMediaFile gUpdateGUI checked%AnyLengthMediaFileCheckStatus%, ANY Length
Gui, Add, Checkbox,y+%GUIMargin% gUpdateGUI vShortPodcasts checked%ShortPodcastsCheckStatus%, Short ( < 30 Mins) Gui, Add, Checkbox,y+%GUIMargin% gUpdateGUI vShortPodcasts checked%ShortPodcastsCheckStatus%, Short ( < 30 Mins)
@ -176,32 +193,40 @@ Gui, Add, Checkbox, vMediumPodcasts gUpdateGUI checked%MediumPodcastsCheckStatus
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vLongPodcasts gUpdateGUI checked%LongPodcastsCheckStatus%, Long ( > 60 Mins) Gui, Add, Checkbox, vLongPodcasts gUpdateGUI checked%LongPodcastsCheckStatus%, Long ( > 60 Mins)
; Gui, Add, Text
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIRowTwoXPos% y+15 w200 center,Other Settings Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, Text,x%GUIRowTwoXPos% y+15 w%GUIRowTwoWidth% center,Other Settings
Gui, font, normal Gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vKeepCMD, Keep CMD Open After Model Completion Gui, Add, Checkbox, vHideCMDWindows checked%HideCMDWindows%, Hide CMD Windows
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vKeepCMDOpenOrClose checked%HideCMDWindows%, Keep CMD Open After Model Completion
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vShowTooltip checked%ShowTooltip%, Show Tooltip of Progress at Top of Screen Gui, Add, Checkbox, vShowTooltip checked%ShowTooltip%, Show Tooltip of Progress at Top of Screen
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vNTFY checked%NTFYURLCheckStatus%, NTFY After Each Transcription Gui, Add, Checkbox, vNTFYURL checked%NTFYURL%, NTFY After Each Transcription
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vUploadResultToNTFY checked%UploadResultToNTFY%, Upload Transcription to NTFY
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vContinueAfterCMDClose checked%ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus%, Start After Current Running Transcription Ends Gui, Add, Checkbox, vContinueAfterCMDClose checked%ContinueAfterCMDCloseCheckStatus%, Start After Current Running Transcription Ends
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vShutdownOnFinish, Shutdown PC on Completion
gui, add, text, y20 x%GUIRowThreeVerticalLineXPos% 0x11 h400 ; 0x11 is a "line" ; refer to here:
Gui, font, Bold gui, add, text, y20 x%GUIRowThreeVerticalLineXPos% 0x11 h%VerticalLineHeight% ; 0x11 is a "line" ; refer to here:
gui, font, s12 gui, font, s12
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, text,y%GUIMargin% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% x%GUIRowThreeXPos% h20 Center, Status Log Gui, Add, text,y%GUIMargin% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% x%GUIRowThreeXPos% h20 Center, Status Log
gui, font, normal gui, font, normal
gui, font, s7 gui, font, s7
Gui, Add, Edit, y+%GUIMargin% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% x%GUIRowThreeXPos% h300 vStatusLog Gui, Add, Edit, y+%GUIMargin% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% x%GUIRowThreeXPos% h450 vStatusLog
Gui, font, Bold Gui, font, Bold
Gui, Font, s12 Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Button, y+20 x%GUIRowThreeXPos% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% h40 gSubmit Center, Transcribe Gui, Add, Button, y+20 x%GUIRowThreeXPos% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% h40 gSubmit Center, Transcribe
gui, font, normal gui, font, normal
Gui, Font, s9 Gui, Font, s9
Gui, Add, Button, y+%GUIMargin% x%GUIRowThreeXPos% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% h15 gReloadScript Center, Restart Gui, Add, Button, y+%GUIMargin% x%GUIRowThreeXPos% w%TranscribeButtonWidth% h30 gReloadScript Center, Restart
Gui, Font, s5 Gui, Font, s5
; Gui, Add, StatusBar,Center, This Node: Minutes Transcribed by Node: Total Minutes Transcribed by All Nodes: Total Minutes of All Transcriptions: Average time to transcribe 1 min: ; Gui, Add, StatusBar,Center, This Node: Minutes Transcribed by Node: Total Minutes Transcribed by All Nodes: Total Minutes of All Transcriptions: Average time to transcribe 1 min:
@ -218,9 +243,9 @@ Return
SelectFile: SelectFile:
if(SelectedDirectoryPath){ if(SelectedDirectoryPath){
Msgbox, Your already have a directory selected. `nThis script can only handle one or the other at the moment. GuiControl,Text,SelectedDirectoryPath,
} }
FileSelectFile, SelectedFiles, M3 ; M3 = Multiselect existing files. FileSelectFile, SelectedFiles, M3 ; M3 = Multiselect existing files.
if (SelectedFiles = "") if (SelectedFiles = "")
return return
@ -231,9 +256,8 @@ GuiControl, Text,FilesFilepath, %GUIFilesText%
return return
SelectDirectory: SelectDirectory:
if(SelectedFiles){ if(FilesFilepath){
Msgbox, Your already have individual files selected. `nThis script can only handle one or the other at the moment. GuiControl, Text,FilesFilepath,
} }
; have user select a file within the directory they want transcribed. ; have user select a file within the directory they want transcribed.
@ -257,6 +281,13 @@ ExitApp
Submit: Submit:
gui, Submit, NoHide gui, Submit, NoHide
; Hide CMD popups when doing run, or runwait or comspec commands
WinHide % "ahk_id " DllCall("GetConsoleWindow", "ptr")
if(NTFY){ if(NTFY){
IniRead, NTFYURL, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYURL, %A_space% IniRead, NTFYURL, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, NTFYURL, %A_space%
; Msgbox % "NTFYURL: " NTFYURL ; Msgbox % "NTFYURL: " NTFYURL
@ -272,9 +303,13 @@ if(NTFY){
} }
IniWrite, %ShutdownOnFinish%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShutdownOnFinish
IniWrite, %CPUThreads%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, CPUThreads IniWrite, %CPUThreads%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, CPUThreads
IniWrite, %ShowTooltip%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShowTooltip IniWrite, %ShowTooltip%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, ShowTooltip
IniWrite, %MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions IniWrite, %MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, MinutesToPauseBetweenTranscriptions
IniWrite, %HideCMDWindows%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, HideCMDWindows
IniWrite, %UploadResultToNTFY%, Settings.ini, %ScriptName%, UploadResultToNTFY
; IniWrite, %ContinueAfterCMDClose%, Settings.ini, %A_ScriptName%, ContinueAfterCMDClose ; IniWrite, %ContinueAfterCMDClose%, Settings.ini, %A_ScriptName%, ContinueAfterCMDClose
if(SelectedDirectoryPath){ if(SelectedDirectoryPath){
@ -352,14 +387,14 @@ if(SelectedDirectoryPath){
; KeepCMD := 0 ; KeepCMDOpenOrClose := 0
OverwritePreviousTranscriptions := 0 OverwritePreviousTranscriptions := 0
if(KeepCMD){ if(KeepCMDOpenOrClose){
KeepCMD := "K" KeepCMDOpenOrClose := "K"
} }
else, { else, {
KeepCMD := "C" KeepCMDOpenOrClose := "C"
} }
; clear variable from GUI ; clear variable from GUI
@ -521,7 +556,7 @@ loop % SelectedAudioFilesArray.Length() {
if(AnyLengthMediaFile){ if(AnyLengthMediaFile){
; continue onwards ; continue onwards
} }
else, { ; otherwise check length and skip accordingly else, { ; otherwise check length and skip accordingly
if(ShortPodcasts){ if(ShortPodcasts){
@ -563,7 +598,7 @@ loop % SelectedAudioFilesArray.Length() {
text = Converting File: %OutFileName% To 16-bit WAV file text = Converting File: %OutFileName% To 16-bit WAV file
ShowTooltipText(Text) ShowTooltipText(Text)
PrePendToErrorLogText(text) PrePendToErrorLogText(text)
runwait, %ComSpec% /%KeepCMD% ffmpeg -i "%Filepath%" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "%WavFilepath%" runwait, %ComSpec% /%KeepCMDOpenOrClose% ffmpeg -i "%Filepath%" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "%WavFilepath%"
} }
@ -585,7 +620,7 @@ loop % SelectedAudioFilesArray.Length() {
UStartTime := A_TickCount ; start time UStartTime := A_TickCount ; start time
runwait, %ComSpec% /%KeepCMD% title Podcast-Transcription-In-Progress & %A_scriptdir%\Models\main.exe -m %ModelPath% -f "%WavFilepath%" -t %CPUThreads% -otxt -ovtt -osrt -owts -ocsv -of "%OutputPath%" runwait, %ComSpec% /%KeepCMDOpenOrClose% title Podcast-Transcription-In-Progress & %A_scriptdir%\Models\main.exe -m %ModelPath% -f "%WavFilepath%" -t %CPUThreads% -otxt -ovtt -osrt -owts -ocsv -of "%OutputPath%"
URunTime := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2) ; end time URunTime := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2) ; end time
Message = Time to Transcribe: %URunTime% seconds Message = Time to Transcribe: %URunTime% seconds
@ -604,9 +639,19 @@ loop % SelectedAudioFilesArray.Length() {
LogToTextFile(text, LogFileFP) LogToTextFile(text, LogFileFP)
PrePendToErrorLogText(text) PrePendToErrorLogText(text)
Message = Transcription Complete `nNode: %A_ComputerName% `nFile: %OutNameNoExt% `nAudio Length: %AudioLength%`nModel: %ModelName%`nCPU Threads: %CPUThreads% `nTTTS: %NTFYTranscriptionTime%`nTTS 1 (s): %SecondsToTranscribe1Sec% Seconds if(NTFY OR UploadResultToNTFY){
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, NTFYURL) if(UploadResultToNTFY){
Command = "%NTFYEXEFilepath%" publish -t "%OutNameNoExt%" -f "%OutputPath%.txt" %NTFYTopic%
; Clipboard := Command
; Msgbox % "Command: " Command
Status := RunCMD(Command)
; Msgbox % "Status: " Status
else if(NTFY){
Message = Transcription Complete `nNode: %A_ComputerName% `nFile: %OutNameNoExt% `nAudio Length: %AudioLength%`nModel: %ModelName%`nCPU Threads: %CPUThreads% `nTTTS: %NTFYTranscriptionTime%`nTTS 1 (s): %SecondsToTranscribe1Sec% Seconds
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, NTFYURL)
} }
} }
@ -638,141 +683,151 @@ loop % SelectedAudioFilesArray.Length() {
} }
msgbox, All Transcriptions have been completed. msgbox, All Transcriptions have been completed.
Shutdown, 9 ; shutdown + power down: 1 + 8 = 9
return return
; Functions /*
; Functions
LogToTextFile(Text, Filepath){
; ErrorLoggingFile := Filepath
FileAppend, %Text%`n`n, %Filepath%
TooltipFirstLine := StrSplit(Text, "`n")
TooltipFirstLine := TooltipFirstLine[1]
ToolTipLen := StrLen(TooltipFirstLine)
TooltipXPos := A_ScreenWidth / 2 - ((ToolTipLen * 9) / 2)
; Msgbox % "TooltipXPos: " TooltipXPos
ToolTip, %Text%, %TooltipXPos%, 0
ErrorLogText := Text "`n`n" . ErrorLogText
GuiControl, Text,StatusLog, %ErrorLogText%
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, URL){
command = powershell (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri %URL% -Body '%Message%' -UseBasicParsing)
Status := RunCMD(Command)
; Msgbox % "Status: " Status
; -------------------------------FileXPro Get File Attributes-------------------------------
Filexpro( sFile := "", Kind := "", P* ) { ; v.90 By SKAN on D1CC @
Static xDetails
If ( sFile = "" )
{ ; Deinit static variable
xDetails := ""
fex := {}, _FileExt := ""
Loop, Files, % RTrim(sfile,"\*/."), DF
If not FileExist( sFile:=A_LoopFileLongPath )
SplitPath, sFile, _FileExt, _Dir, _Ext, _File, _Drv
If ( p[p.length()] = "xInfo" ) ; Last parameter is xInfo
p.Pop() ; Delete parameter
fex.SetCapacity(11) ; Make room for Extra info
fex["_Attrib"] := A_LoopFileAttrib
fex["_Dir"] := _Dir
fex["_Drv"] := _Drv
fex["_Ext"] := _Ext
fex["_File"] := _File
fex["_File.Ext"] := _FileExt
fex["_FilePath"] := sFile
fex["_FileSize"] := A_LoopFileSize
fex["_FileTimeA"] := A_LoopFileTimeAccessed
fex["_FileTimeC"] := A_LoopFileTimeCreated
fex["_FileTimeM"] := A_LoopFileTimeModified
If Not ( _FileExt ) ; Filepath not resolved
objShl := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
objDir := objShl.NameSpace(_Dir)
objItm := objDir.ParseName(_FileExt)
If ( VarSetCapacity(xDetails) = 0 ) ; Init static variable
i:=-1, xDetails:={}, xDetails.SetCapacity(309)
While ( i++ < 309 )
xDetails[ objDir.GetDetailsOf(0,i) ] := i
If ( Kind and Kind <> objDir.GetDetailsOf(objItm,11) ) ; File isn't desired kind
i:=0, nParams:=p.Count(), fex.SetCapacity(nParams + 11)
While ( i++ < nParams )
Prop := p[i]
If ( (Dot:=InStr(Prop,".")) and (Prop:=(Dot=1 ? "System":"") . Prop) )
fex[Prop] := objItm.ExtendedProperty(Prop)
If ( PropNum := xDetails[Prop] ) > -1
fex[Prop] := ObjDir.GetDetailsOf(objItm,PropNum)
Return fex
} ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Misc
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
LogToTextFile(Text, Filepath){
; ErrorLoggingFile := Filepath
FileAppend, %Text%`n`n, %Filepath%
TooltipFirstLine := StrSplit(Text, "`n")
TooltipFirstLine := TooltipFirstLine[1]
ToolTipLen := StrLen(TooltipFirstLine)
TooltipXPos := A_ScreenWidth / 2 - ((ToolTipLen * 9) / 2)
; Msgbox % "TooltipXPos: " TooltipXPos
ToolTip, %Text%, %TooltipXPos%, 0
ErrorLogText := Text "`n`n" . ErrorLogText
GuiControl, Text,StatusLog, %ErrorLogText%
SendMessagetoNTFY(Message, URL){
command = powershell (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri %URL% -Body '%Message%' -UseBasicParsing)
Status := RunCMD(Command)
; Msgbox % "Status: " Status
; -------------------------------FileXPro Get File Attributes-------------------------------
Filexpro( sFile := "", Kind := "", P* ) { ; v.90 By SKAN on D1CC @
Static xDetails
If ( sFile = "" )
{ ; Deinit static variable
xDetails := ""
fex := {}, _FileExt := ""
Loop, Files, % RTrim(sfile,"\*/."), DF
If not FileExist( sFile:=A_LoopFileLongPath )
SplitPath, sFile, _FileExt, _Dir, _Ext, _File, _Drv
If ( p[p.length()] = "xInfo" ) ; Last parameter is xInfo
p.Pop() ; Delete parameter
fex.SetCapacity(11) ; Make room for Extra info
fex["_Attrib"] := A_LoopFileAttrib
fex["_Dir"] := _Dir
fex["_Drv"] := _Drv
fex["_Ext"] := _Ext
fex["_File"] := _File
fex["_File.Ext"] := _FileExt
fex["_FilePath"] := sFile
fex["_FileSize"] := A_LoopFileSize
fex["_FileTimeA"] := A_LoopFileTimeAccessed
fex["_FileTimeC"] := A_LoopFileTimeCreated
fex["_FileTimeM"] := A_LoopFileTimeModified
If Not ( _FileExt ) ; Filepath not resolved
objShl := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
objDir := objShl.NameSpace(_Dir)
objItm := objDir.ParseName(_FileExt)
If ( VarSetCapacity(xDetails) = 0 ) ; Init static variable
i:=-1, xDetails:={}, xDetails.SetCapacity(309)
While ( i++ < 309 )
xDetails[ objDir.GetDetailsOf(0,i) ] := i
If ( Kind and Kind <> objDir.GetDetailsOf(objItm,11) ) ; File isn't desired kind
i:=0, nParams:=p.Count(), fex.SetCapacity(nParams + 11)
While ( i++ < nParams )
Prop := p[i]
If ( (Dot:=InStr(Prop,".")) and (Prop:=(Dot=1 ? "System":"") . Prop) )
fex[Prop] := objItm.ExtendedProperty(Prop)
If ( PropNum := xDetails[Prop] ) > -1
fex[Prop] := ObjDir.GetDetailsOf(objItm,PropNum)
Return fex
} ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Misc
; Escape::ExitApp ; Escape::ExitApp